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Fill up your calendar with dates

never swipe again
never small talk again
start actually dating
Get several dates a week
What if your wingman had gotten 200,000 dates and phone numbers? We have the data on how to talk to matches for optimal results.
Get exactly what you're looking for
Whether you're looking to grab drinks on Friday nights or simply get a number/Instagram, we'll do it all for you and notify you when we've got it secured.
Only match with your ideal type
Our powerful AI is trained on your past swiping behavior so that we only match with profiles that are just your type.
Choose your chatting tone
Our AI chats in 100+ tones. Whether you want to use a funny, teasing, poetic, or captain Jack Sparrow tone, we can do it.
Automatic followups
Your match doesn't respond within a few days? No problem, we follow up at the perfect time with the perfect line. 60% of our followups result in an answer back.
Calendar integration
We know you're busy so we integrate with your Google or Apple calendar to schedule dates only when you're free. Dates we schedule will also be added to your calendar.
Don't match with people you know
We integrate with your Instagram or Facebook to ensure we never match with people you know.
Safe to use
We guarantee you that your account will not be banned for using the bot as the AI mimics human behavior to a tee.
All major languages supported
CupidBot can get you dates in any language.